The baby name Gayane is a girl term

The baby name Gayane is a girl term

Range of Armenian lady baby names which have definitions. All you need to know about Armenian woman names. Pick information, issues, clips, stuff and you can website links throughout the Armenian woman labels. See reports stories and determine / pay attention to films. Baby and children Armenian lady labels. Listing of new-born kid Armenian woman names having meanings and you will source..


The child identity Ankine is actually a female name. Title Ankine is inspired by this new Armenian supply. From inside the English The definition of one’s identity Ankine try: beneficial Advice: Name: AnkineName meaning: valuable Gender: Lady / Women / Woman / GirlsOrigin away from identity: Armenian


The infant label Anoush was a woman identity. Title Anoush originates from the latest Armenian origin. Within the English The definition of term Anoush is actually: sweet tempered Guidance: Name: AnoushName definition: sweet tempered Gender: People / Female / Lady / GirlsOrigin away from name: Armenian


The baby name Armenouhie was a woman title. Title Armenouhie arises from the newest Armenian origin. In English The meaning of your own identity Armenouhie try: girl away from Armenia Suggestions: Name: ArmenouhieName definition: girl off Armenia Sex: Lady / Women / Girl / GirlsOrigin out-of term: Armenian


The little one name Gadara are a woman label. The name Gadara comes from this new Armenian source. For the English This is of identity Gadara was: regarding most readily useful of a hill Recommendations: Name: GadaraName definition: regarding the better of a mountain Gender: Girls / Feminine / Girl / GirlsOrigin out-of identity: Armenian


The name Gayane comes from this new Armenian resource. In English The definition of your own title Gayane is: meaning not familiar Advice: Name: GayaneName meaning: meaning unknown Gender: Women / Women / Woman / GirlsOrigin away from name: Armenian


The baby name Lucine is a female identity. Title Lucine arises from the new Armenian source. In English The definition of label Lucine is actually: moonlight Guidance: Name: LucineName meaning: moon Sex: Ladies / Feminine / Lady / GirlsOrigin away from name: Armenian


The infant identity e Margarid arises from new Armenian supply. In English This is of the identity Margarid is actually: Armenian brand of elizabeth definition: Armenian type of Margaret (pearl) Gender: Lady / Female / Girl / GirlsOrigin out of identity: Armenian


The child term Miriam is a girl identity. The name Miriam comes from the latest Armenian resource. In the English The meaning of your own identity Miriam is: biblical label (rebellious) Information: Name: MiriamName definition: biblical label (rebellious) Gender: People / Female / Girl / GirlsOrigin out-of label: Armenian


The infant title Nairi was a female identity. The name Nairi comes from this new Armenian source. In English The meaning of the label Nairi was: regarding Armenia Pointers: Name: NairiName definition: of Armenia Sex: Women / Female / Lady / GirlsOrigin from label: Armenian


The baby label Serpuhi is actually a girl name. The name Serpuhi arises from the newest Armenian provider. In the English The definition of one’s name Serpuhi was: holy Information: Name: SerpuhiName definition: holy Gender: Women / Women / Girl / GirlsOrigin from name: Armenian


The infant label Shakeh is a lady name. Title Shakeh arises from the Armenian supply. Into the English This is of the identity Shakeh Tinder vs Happn reddit is actually: definition unfamiliar Information: Name: ShakehName meaning: definition unfamiliar Intercourse: Girls / Women / Lady / GirlsOrigin off title: Armenian


The little one term Shoushan are a girl label. The name Shoushan originates from the brand new Armenian source. In English The definition of one’s title Shoushan was: Armenian identity to have Susan (lily) Information: Name: ShoushanName definition: Armenian term to own Susan (lily) Gender: Female / Female / Lady / GirlsOrigin out-of term: Armenian

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